Coverage through the federal Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) ends December 31, 2013. PCIP will not pay for any medical services after December 31, 2013. You must enroll for new [...]
The Tampa Bay Times has published an article on September 25, 2013 providing a preview to the rates expected to be published on October 1, 2013 for health insurance under the affordable care act. [...]
The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation has compiled data on Projected Health Insurance Premiums for policies that comply with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) available [...]
Beginning February 16, 2013 the federally run Pre-Existing Condition Plan (PCIP) is suspending acceptance of new enrollment applications until further notice. State-based PCIPs may continue [...]
It is so important to remember to take care of ourselves while providing care to a loved one. Here are tips to help focus on you while caring for another. 1. Understand what is happening with the [...]
While it is important to so many people to care for their loved ones in a time when they need assistance, it is also important to remember to take care of ourselves. Here are 10 signs that a [...]
Starting in 2014, individuals and families can take a new premium tax credit to help them afford health insurance coverage purchased through an Affordable Insurance Exchange. Exchanges will [...]
Bach Elder Law’s Memory walk team raised over $37,000 for the Gulf Coast Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association on October 24th and was awarded the prize for the highest team contribution.