How can I ensure my medical treatment wishes will be honored

 In Asset Protection Planning, Elder Law, Estate Planning, Guardianship

An essential part of estate planning is setting up clear instructions for loved ones about your wishes with regard to medical treatment.  It is incorrect to believe that a Last Will & Testament contains information that will empower your loved ones to make decisions in line with your desires in the event that you are incapacitated or unable to communicate.  To provide your loved ones with information about your medical care desires and give them the power to make decisions on your behalf, you must set up advance directives.  It is recommended that you set up a living will, health care surrogate, pre-need guardian, and/or health care proxy to protect your wishes.  These documents should be put into place far before incapacitation occurs and discussed with loved ones so they are clear about your wishes.  If you would like to discuss what documents you should have in place to give instructions about medical treatment, please contact Bach & Jacobs, P.A. at (941) 906-1231.

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