Are IRA’s exempt from IRS levies for unpaid taxes of the owner of the IRA?
Are IRA’s exempt from IRS levies for unpaid taxes of the owner of the IRA?
IRA’s are not exempt from IRS levies for the unpaid taxes of the owner of the IRA. While it is the policy of the IRS to avoid levying against a taxpayer’s IRA or qualified pension plan benefits, it can do so as a last resort (Internal Revenue Manual 5.11.16). It is also well settled that the IRS lien and levy powers contained in the Internal Revenue Code take precedence over any asset protection provisions in state law, such as FL Stat. 222.21. The good news is that there is a Tax Court case which holds that in the case of death benefits payable under a qualified pension plan, the IRS levy does not attach to the death benefit, even if the IRS levies against the delinquent taxpayer’s pension account before the death (Asbestos Workers Local 2004-1 USTC 50129). There does not appear to be any similar case involving IRA death benefits but the analysis should be the same. It is somewhat similar to IRS levies against life insurance policies owned by a delinquent taxpayer who dies. While the IRS can reach the cash surrender value, it can’t reach the pure insurance portion of the death benefit payable to a third party beneficiary.