Out of several circumstances under which a will could be contested in Florida, the simplest is the will was not drafted using the proper formalities. For example, if a will is not witnessed as [...]
When planning for the transfer of your digital assets, you should be sure the person given the power to access and disperse information from your digital accounts is technologically [...]
Digital assets such as online bill pay accounts, online investment management accounts, personal records, digital movies, books, games, airline rewards points, and photos must be accounted for in [...]
Legal protections for Florida’s elderly residents from financial exploitation were strengthened by a new law, effective October 1st, 2014. This new law defines exploitation as occurring when 1) [...]
An essential part of estate planning is setting up clear instructions for loved ones about your wishes with regard to medical treatment. It is incorrect to believe that a Last Will & [...]
Estate planning involves signing legal documents which those who are incapacitated due to a dementia diagnosis often cannot do. For estate planning documents to be valid, they must be executed [...]
Florida’s Trust code allows courts to modify irrevocable trusts which are unambiguous but which have terms that are considered contradictory or wasteful. Courts can modify trusts if the trust’s [...]
The most important aspect of the new legislative changes to the Florida guardianship law is the modification of the method of appointing an emergency temporary guardian. Under the new law which [...]
A new Florida law seeks to better support elderly residents who are at risk of exploitation. Previously, exploitation could only technically occur if an elder was exploited through intimidation [...]
Even if your gross income (prior to deduction) is above the minimum required to qualify for Medicaid ($2,199 for 2015), you may be able to become eligible by setting up a Qualified Income Trust [...]