When planning for the transfer of your digital assets, you should be sure the person given the power to access and disperse information from your digital accounts is technologically [...]
To ensure that your digital assets are protected and dealt with as you desire after death, be sure to compile all usernames and passwords for online subscriptions and accounts in a secure [...]
Digital assets such as online bill pay accounts, online investment management accounts, personal records, digital movies, books, games, airline rewards points, and photos must be accounted for in [...]
An essential part of estate planning is setting up clear instructions for loved ones about your wishes with regard to medical treatment. It is incorrect to believe that a Last Will & [...]
We can help you set up a charitable giving plan to ensure you can continue to utilize and increase your money during your lifetime and later provide support to charities of your choice. Some of [...]
Estate planning involves signing legal documents which those who are incapacitated due to a dementia diagnosis often cannot do. For estate planning documents to be valid, they must be executed [...]
Florida’s Trust code allows courts to modify irrevocable trusts which are unambiguous but which have terms that are considered contradictory or wasteful. Courts can modify trusts if the trust’s [...]
A new federal law allows individuals to help their loved one with special needs save for their future without jeopardizing their public benefits. In December of 2014, the Federal Achieving a [...]
Even if your gross income (prior to deduction) is above the minimum required to qualify for Medicaid ($2,199 for 2015), you may be able to become eligible by setting up a Qualified Income Trust [...]
Certain assets by their very nature can avoid probate. Probate is not necessary to transfer certain jointly owned non-probate assets because these assets pass by operation of law. In Florida, [...]