Death with Dignity in Florida

 In Elder Law, Estate Planning

A movement that is spreading throughout this country is the death with dignity initiative, or laws that allow terminally ill patients to use prescribed medications to end their lives on their own terms. Also known as the right to die, death with dignity is only legal in Washington, Oregon, California, and Vermont. Although Florida and several other states have not adopted such laws, there are still ways to direct your own end-of-life medical care.

The death with dignity movement is a controversial one. Advocates posit that the laws minimize suffering for terminally ill patients, grant individuals authority, and lessen the burden on family, friends, and caregivers. Opponents of death with dignity believe that some patients could be pressured into making the decision, the regulatory authority over who can administer the pills is too lax, and the cheap cost of the assisted suicide could improperly affect the decision-making of doctors and patients.

This week, we’ll be blogging about what options you have as a Florida resident with regard to end-of-life planning.

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