Florida is a Mandatory Report State for Elder Abuse
Florida law requires that knowledge or suspicion of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of vulnerable adults (whether elderly or disabled) be reported. The issue of Elder Abuse is taken seriously here in Florida, where we have a high population of senior citizens. If you suspect or know of any elder abuse that is occurring, you should report it immediately to the Florida Abuse Hotline, which receives reports 24 hours a day. You can also call 1-800-962-2873 or visit https://reportabuse.com.dcf.state.fl.us and file a report online. Elder abuse is one of the most underreported crimes and, because of this, only about 800 people have been charged with elder abuse and neglect in Florida over the last five years. Of these, approximately 370 have been convicted. It is everyone’s responsibility to help end Elder Abuse and to make our world a safer place for the Senior Citizens in our lives.