Tax Matters with Fred (VIDEO)

 In Tax Law


Fred: I bring to Bach Elder Law my expertise in tax matters. Frequently our clients come into the office with tax problems. Some of them haven’t filed returns for a number of years, some of them are engaged in disputes with the Internal Revenue Service, some of our wealthier clients need tax planning on estate issues which can become very complicated, particularly now at this time where there is great uncertainty in the estate tax law. Congress failed to renew our estate tax law and it went out of business on December 31, 2009. Most tax practitioners, myself included, believe that when the Congress gets to it, it will reinstate the federal tax law in substantially the same form that existed as of December 31, 2009. This means that persons with estates of less than 3.5 million dollars, or 7 million dollars between a husband and wife, need not be concerned with federal estate taxes.

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