Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Rollout for Manatee County, Florida
On February 1, 2014, the new Medicaid reform called “Statewide Medicaid Managed Care” is going to roll out for Manatee County. The Agency for Healthcare Administration will send an instructional packet to all Medicaid recipients to explain how to select a Managed Care Provider. There will be an enrollment deadline date and a date which the plan will begin.
For those people already receiving services through a Managed Care Provider, you can choose to stay with the same plan or you can elect to change your provider.
You will be able to select a long term care provider from the five providers who have been contracted to serve Manatee County: American Eldercare, Inc., Coventry Health Plan, Molina Healthcare of Florida, Inc., Sunshine State Health Plan or United Healthcare of Florida, Inc. Please contact the assisted living or nursing home business office to confirm that they have a contract with the plan of your choice.
After a person is enrolled with a Managed Care Provider plan, he or she will be assigned a care coordinator/ case manager who will meet with them to perform an assessment, develop a plan of care, and assist them in obtaining appropriate care.