While everyone needs individualized legal advice on what language their estate planning documents should contain, the following are some of the most common and important clauses which should be [...]
It is important for Trustees of irrevocable life insurance trusts to understand their duties which exist even while the insured is alive. Some of the most important duties are: The Trustee must [...]
Probate disputes can become time consuming and expensive processes which is why many prefer to settle outside of court through arbitration or mediation as alternatives to a full court [...]
When an individual goes to the hospital, they may not be admitted right away. If one is not “admitted” to the hospital, Medicare will not pay for hospitalization and a patient may have a large [...]
If for financial or tax reasons you do not wish to receive an asset for which you are a beneficiary, you can use a qualified disclaimer to pass this asset instead to other listed beneficiaries. [...]
During estate planning, it is crucial to learn about the different levels of privacy that various estate planning documents provide you. If you choose to leave assets through a will, that will [...]
When getting remarried later in life, you must consider how that marriage will affect your previous plan to leave assets to beneficiaries such as children from previous marriages. Most think [...]
Unfortunately, many people’s identities are stolen after they die. This obviously creates much trouble and confusion for family members attempting to honor the wishes of their deceased loved one [...]
As you and a qualified attorney are drafting estate planning documents, be sure to consider the following and express to your attorney exactly how you want your assets to be distributed after [...]
Undue influence often involves a family member or friend coercing someone to add or remove beneficiaries from their estate planning documents in the last months of life or when their mental [...]