Is a Concierge Doctor Right for Me?

 In Long-Term Care

A concierge doctor is a primary care physician that you pay an annual fee or retainer in return for certain benefits. The number of doctors who practice “concierge medicine” is starting to rise in the United States. These doctors stray from the traditional healthcare system to provide medical services in a manner that is more personal and patient-oriented. Concierge doctors take on fewer patients so that they are able to focus more on an individual’s needs and on providing preventative healthcare, which helps to reduce the instances of medical issues or emergencies. A concierge doctor will talk to you personally by phone or email,  give you same day or next day service, will get to know you well, coordinate with any specialists you may have, make house calls if you need them, and even meet you at the ER if you have a medical emergency. Having a concierge Doctor eliminates aggravations such as sitting in crowded waiting rooms for extended periods of time or dealing with a physician that is overburdened with patients and can’t give you the focus you deserve. A limiting factor for utilizing “concierge medicine” is the cost involved for the patient who participates, as the average retainer for a concierge doctor is $1200-$1500 per year. If you think a concierge doctor may be right for you, further research your options and consider the benefits of “concierge medicine”.

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