Florida launches ABLE United Program

 In Asset Protection Planning, Elder Law, Government Benefits, Medicaid Planning

Being one of the first ABLE (Achieving a Better Life Experience) savings plans in the country, Florida’s ABLE program now allows individuals with disabilities to maintain their eligibility for government benefits while owning more than $2,000 in assets.

As of July 13, 2016, Intuition ABLE Solutions has partnered with the Florida Prepaid College Board to launch the program. Qualifying individuals are required to hold their assets in ABLE accounts, which are modeled after college savings plans. The disabled individual acts as the owner and beneficiary of the account, and the growth of the account is tax-free. Up to $100,000 of the account is considered a non-countable resource. Funds may be withdrawn tax-free for qualifying expenses such as transportation, medical expenses, and housing.

However, there are several restrictions to the program. The individual applying for the program must have developed the disability by his/her 26th birthday. When the individual passes away, the state government must be paid back from any funds that remain in the account. Also, no more than $14,000 per year may be contributed to the account by the individual. The maximum limit of the account is $418,000.

If you have further questions on this topic or want to find out whether you or a loved one could benefit from an ABLE account, contact our office at (941) 906-1231 to schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys.

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