Helping Seniors Avoid Isolation

 In Health

As your loved one ages, the likelihood that they will become more isolated increases. This can be due to a variety of factors, such as the death of a spouse or close friend, decreasing physical or mental ability and injury. Isolation can increase if a person feels their faculties declining but does not want to burden their loved ones, so they attempt to rely solely on themselves. If you believe that a loved one in your life may be isolating themself or facing obstacles that cause them to become isolated, there are ways to help.

Visit your loved one often. Whether they are living at home, in an assisted living facility or in a nursing facility, visits from family members or friends can help reduce isolation and increase happiness. If possible, plan weekly visits so that your loved one has something to look forward to and is able to spend a substantial amount of time socializing with you and your family. You can also arrange plans for your loved one to spend time with a close friend or others in their community.

Another step you can take to reduce a senior citizen’s isolation is providing them with transportation if they are unable to drive. The inability to drive may contribute to a senior citizen’s feelings of aloneness, as it can cut them off from the rest of the world. Offering a ride to your loved one can also alleviate any stress regarding transportation to outings or appointments, while increasing the amount of time that they spend interacting socially.

Helping your loved on around the house can be a great way to keep them from feeling lonely or isolated. If they are having trouble doing chores or are in need of redecoration, help them accomplish their goals. By sprucing up their environment and making it more welcoming, this will not only increase the comfort they feel in their surroundings, it will also increase their desire to have others over and interact socially.

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