Who Should be My Successor Trustee?

 In Estate Planning

If you have created a living trust, you may have appointed yourself as trustee so that you can be in charge of the assets titled to the trust while you are alive. However, you must also decide who to name as your successor trustee. A successor trustee is the individual who will take over the trustee position when you pass away, and who will be in charge of your trust’s assets. It is very important to carefully consider who you want as your successor trustee. Most people choose a family member or close-friend because they are confident that this person will carry out their duties honestly, impartially and in a manner that is consistent with the terms of the trust. However, make sure that whoever you choose is up to the task given the responsibility involved. Pick an individual who will be relentlessly scrupulous and who has you as well as your family’s best interest at heart. Your successor trustee will also be in charge of managing and distributing your assets should you become incapacitated.

If you are uncomfortable choosing a friend or family member to be your successor trustee, consider designating the task to a knowledgeable, respected corporate trustee or a legal professional that you trust fully.  For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact our office at: 941-906-1231.

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