Estate Planning with a Non-Citizen Spouse

 In Estate Planning, Probate, Tax Law

Careful estate planning is essential if your spouse is a non-citizen as deductions or tax exemptions can be difficult for them to claim.  One way to help a non-citizen spouse claim marital deductions for estate taxes is to set up a Qualifying Domestic Trust (QDOT).  After their spouse dies, the non-citizen will receive benefits from the QDOT trust and they may leave any remaining assets to their beneficiaries.  The benefits the spouse would receive from the QDOT trust would be subject to income taxes but not estate taxes.

To discuss estate planning for you and your non-citizen spouse, contact our office at (941) 906-1231 to speak with an experienced estate planning attorney who will help you distribute your assets as you desire while minimizing tax burdens as much as possible.

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